From Big Humans

“From the moment you start reading to the very last page, "Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea" is a captivating and beautifully written hero’s journey with just the right pacing and just enough visually stunning images to keep children and parents alike engaged and wanting more. The large font and ample white space on each page also make this is an excellent book for new readers just graduating to chapter books.
This book isn't just a well-written story, but is also a resource for children and families looking for tangible ways to learn how to find true healing and emotional resiliency skills so vital to thriving today. From bullying, to physical loss, to helping children find that one thing that makes them unique and joyful, Milo and the Wisdom of the Sea tackles 21st century issues in a one-of-a-kind way making it a must have for every child.”
Esta Soler, Founder and CEO of Futures Without Violence
"Beautiful illustrations and a focused, wonderful story make Milo a character that resonates with your soul. He's gentle and kind in the face of adversity and he's able to overcome the odds with love and cartwheels! I would highly recommend this story for your youngster who wants something a little more challenging than those too easy to read, easy readers. With so many amazing and bold characters, and a unique creative story, this book is for you! I can't wait for the next one!"
Parent of Katy in Austin,TX
"Milo's story promises to encourage those facing adversity and life's challenges and boy does it deliver! This story is brilliantly written, well-paced, and illustrated perfectly. Every child faces adversity of some kind, getting through it with grace and dignity is what Milo learns. Life's challenges become powerful tools for the reader who listens to the wisdom of the sea."
Parent of Carly in Hartford, Conn
"This debut book by breakout author Jenna Martin is a phenomenal read for children on so many levels of feelings. While there were things that hit my heartstrings as I shared the digital version of it to read with my 8-year-old, I found that discussing the book with her, there were many other things that she noticed too.
If you want to share a tale of bullying, and teasing, separation, emotional and physical loss, loneliness and pain, then it’s in here, but it leads to a magnificently told story of the cartwheeling starfish who again finds happiness, celebration, renewal of hope and sends an overall message of positive perseverance to overcome adversity. Can’t we all learn from Milo? There’s wisdom in the sea. I truly believe this is just an appetizer for the additional books Martin has slated for Milo’s adventures.
My daughter and I can’t wait for the next one.I’ve already bought two additional books as gifts.
Now that school is back in session I think this book would be a great addition for 1-4 grade classrooms as well as the school guidance counselor."
Parent in Charlotte,NC

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